Using PDF Security Software To Copy Protect Images

While image protection software has been around for much longer than PDF security software, copy protection for PDF documents has become much more sophisticated and much more secure when using software like CopySafe PDF Protection.

In fact CopySafe PDF Protection software provides the best and most secure protection from all methods and copy and when DRM is applied, the PDF document cannot be shared or redistributed because user access rights are locked to each individual’s computer. CopySafe PDF is also the only secure PDF protection software that can be used for desktop reading and for publishing on web pages because popular web browsers can no longer support real plugins that are required for system level interaction. CopySafe solutions instead use a web browser properly designed to properly protect web media.

By using CopySafe PDF as your image protection software, your images can be more securely protected on both the desktop and online. When distributing images, drawings or plans for desktop reading, the protected file can be sent by email or for download, and with DRM applied, protected from sharing and plagiarism. The DRM options with CopySafe PDF Protection software are most sophisticated, enabling authors to set expiration by the number of days/hours from a user’s first reading and also limit the number of views and prints per user.

The DRM provided by CopySafe PDF uses call-to-home access validation every time that a user opens the protected PDF document which gives authors total control over all aspects, with immediate effect on any changes made, even to PDF documents already saved to the user’s computer or still out in the wild on disk. What that means, in contrast to using DRM tokens which once dispensed cannot be retracted, now an author can cancel a user’s access rights should they default on payment, leave the company or complete their course. Likewise, user’s can be moved to new groups for their next assignment and new document entitlements.

So using CopySafe PDF Protection instead of the usual image protection software makes so much more sense. In fact for distributing protected images and drawings for desktop reading, there is no image protection software that can provide the level of security and copy protection that is available with CopySafe PDF Protection software.

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